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The Royal Conservatoire

The Royal Conservatoire’s Early Music department is a centre of expertise in the field of historically informed performance practice. The curriculum is designed to enhance the students’ skills by providing them with a thorough knowledge and understanding of the original notation of the music. Special attention is also devoted to the context in which the music was composed.

Gregorian Chant forms the basis of Western classical music and a great deal of material is still accessible to those who wish to study and perform it. An essential feature of the study of this music is the variety of approaches to research into sources and their interpretation in the 20th and 21st centuries.

The Royal Conservatoire is pleased to announce that it is offering all of its students the opportunity to attend the summer course in Gregorian Chant with a substantial discount. During the course, participants will actively explore the current state of knowledge, research and performance practice under the guidance of leading experts. In light of the overarching significance of Gregorian Chant, the course will be an inspiring and enriching event as much for instrumentalists as for singers and conductors.


Nederlands Gregoriaans Festival 2025 Den Bosch 13 t/m 15 juni 2025 

Amsterdamse Middeleeuwse Gezangen 25 januari en 8 februari

Nieuwe data van de Gregoriaanse Kringen!

Van de Zomercursus 2024 (19-23 augustus 2024) zijn Lezingen beschikbaar.

The Royal Conservatoire